zzZaXxx wrote:Zatara Rought wrote:zzZaXxx wrote:
They didn't fail to police PC, they just didn't try. I they're so all powerful they could have organized things to be somewhat approaching balanced. Someone who knows they should share a pie with their friends so that they'll stay at the party, but then proceeds to eat 3/4 of it, isn't trying.
I suggest if these attacks don't produce the desired result that EoN should institute a tier system. All their corps and others that can hang are "gold". They have 1/2 the planets. The other half go to the "silver" corps, like mine, to fight for. New corps trying to break in can compete unmolested for districts in one system that has 5-10 districts. That enables everyone to compete. The point would not be how many districts you own but what portion of your tier's districts you own. Bronze corps could dream of silver. Silver could dream of gold. Gold can have decent competition. Teamplayers would be the benevolent demigod watching over us mortals and saving the game instead of a fat dragon sitting on a pile of gold in a dead game.
I love this idea actually. Hmmm...be sure to make this post it's own topic once we win. It has merit.
Thanks! Will do! Incidentally, at first I thought Oddelulf would be the perfect place for all the "bronze" corps to compete. Then I had second thoughts because it seemed like that would give them too many districts, but after looking at the star map I think it might be ideal. I need to run the numbers. I'll definitely post this in detail soon.
Actually we were in the process of doing just that. We wanted to turn all of Almur into tiered planets.
Altbrard Weaker, Headyolfarber(correct spelling not important) Medium tier teams, Salkulda more indies and medium tiered teams, and we would keep districts in the area to ensure that no big guys tried to ruin the party.
The problem with our efforts in the past was that we were getting corps, who on any given night could not field a full team.
So we took their districts, Those who could field a full team we rewarded with a district.
Mass Terror doesn't get to hold 3 districts with 9 members and hire the big guys to protect them. It isn't fair to those, who are giving this a real shot. Rising Suns, Pradox one, Contract Hunters, MSF, 187, Molon Labe, KEQ, and many more.
Ariana is right, we never wanted to hold all this land. We have endured 3 (massive?) wars that left us fat and bloated. EON does not care about land one bit, never have never will. Which is why losing districts never phased us in any war before and won't phase us this war.
As for scams, TP has never run a scam on an indie. We have never attacked an indie that we sold land too. We also don't communicate every move we make with EON. We also never make promises that land won't be attacked by anyone, including EON, before we sell. This is a war game and your going to get attacked. We did however promiss that Altbrard was a safe zone, and I think only AE broke those rules but we stepped in and kept the district for Robin The Hood. Which we were told by Kujo, "You are not the police". He is right we are not the police, but we are trying to help the game grow through trying times, and have the skills to stop any who do, so why not help. Then told by Ex maple that AE helps indies. Hmm attacking indies to test our Altbrard corps helps indies how? We could take 100%, but we don't, every day we fight our own feelings and stop it from happening. The rules are not there to police community, they are there to police ourselves.
Sha is the best meta gamer in the game. He has metad OH out of our alliance, which is unfortunate because this war would have seen a bond grow between EON and OH. Maybe even their 8 guys who don't like it here would finally realize, just how special this place is. Brothers in arms, fighting in the trenches, not to keep our land or our paychecks, but for one another.
I wish radar would have given it a chance, but he made, what he thought was the best decision for his overall corp. He just doesn't understand what it means to be in a real alliance.
I can understand after what LOI did to him, I wouldn't put my faith in one either. All they did was bash us for letting OH in, You can't control Radar, he will be your downfall. He broke the cease fire on LOI and we turned a blind eye, yes.
Personally, I wasn't about to tell Radar, hey you know the guys who left you hanging in the wind when you needed them most? Yeah? Don't attack them anymore, k. Which is why I didn't really, care one bit. We didn't attack and nor did most of EON.
I tried to explain this to Radar but had Cubs' hot head yelling over me on the mic, because he was upset, rightfully so.
There is no beating EON. We won't fall apart and disband like the other alliances. TP's goal is to hold 4 districts. At the moment we are just overachieving. I know we were close to moving on before this war, and you pulled so many out of retirement for this ^^, our plan worked. EON is a war alliance and we thrive in this environment.
To my brothers and sisters in OH, I say to you good luck to you. I wish you would have let us have your back. So you could see what true loyalty looks like

Trust me when I tell you, you didn't see it when you were in LOI, but you already knew that.
See you all tonight! We will continue