Statistics for thread What joke fits do you tend to run for the lolz? |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 44 |
First post | 2013-06-30 21:49:00 |
Last post | 2013-07-01 15:16:00 |
Duration | 1 days (active period), 4234 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 44,0 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 12 807 |
Longest post | Alaika Arbosa (1045 characters, posted 2013-07-01 13:02:00) |
Average post length | 291,1 chars/post |
Unique authors | 39 |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Alaika Arbosa | 3 (6,8%) |
Matticus Monk | 2 (4,5%) |
Scheneighnay McBob | 2 (4,5%) |
mollerz | 2 (4,5%) |
Mechoj Nomreps | 1 (2,3%) |
Zedra Faiolin | 1 (2,3%) |
Xocoyol Zaraoul | 1 (2,3%) |
Vicious Minotaur | 1 (2,3%) |
Son-Of A-Gun | 1 (2,3%) |
Smoky Fingers | 1 (2,3%) |
Skipper Jones | 1 (2,3%) |
SERPENT-Adamapple | 1 (2,3%) |
Rynoceros | 1 (2,3%) |
Rogatien Merc | 1 (2,3%) |
Rifter7 | 1 (2,3%) |
richiesutie 2 | 1 (2,3%) |
Provolonee | 1 (2,3%) |
Poplo Furuya | 1 (2,3%) |
Perun St0rmbringer | 1 (2,3%) |
noobsniper the 2nd | 1 (2,3%) |
Mac Dac | 1 (2,3%) |
Lance 2ballzStrong | 1 (2,3%) |
KOBLAKA1 | 1 (2,3%) |
Knight SoIaire | 1 (2,3%) |
Kira Lannister | 1 (2,3%) |
KING CHECKMATE | 1 (2,3%) |
Karazantor | 1 (2,3%) |
Jay Westen | 1 (2,3%) |
Echoist | 1 (2,3%) |
DJINN Kujo | 1 (2,3%) |
DeadlyAztec11 | 1 (2,3%) |
Cpl Foster USMC | 1 (2,3%) |
Chunky Munkey | 1 (2,3%) |
Chances Ghost | 1 (2,3%) |
Cat Merc | 1 (2,3%) |
Cass Barr | 1 (2,3%) |
BARDAS | 1 (2,3%) |
Arkena Wyrnspire | 1 (2,3%) |
Altina McAlterson | 1 (2,3%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 15 (34,1%) |
EoN. | 8 (18,2%) |
Amarr Empire | 3 (6,8%) |
Interstellar Murder of Crows | 3 (6,8%) |
DARKSTAR ARMY | 2 (4,5%) |
Gallente Federation | 2 (4,5%) |
League of Infamy | 2 (4,5%) |
Caldari State | 1 (2,3%) |
Covert Intervention | 1 (2,3%) |
CRONOS. | 1 (2,3%) |
Lokun Listamenn | 1 (2,3%) |
Minmatar Republic | 1 (2,3%) |
ROFL BROS | 1 (2,3%) |
RUST415 | 1 (2,3%) |
SoulWing Alliance | 1 (2,3%) |
The Kadeshi | 1 (2,3%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Matari Combat Research and Manufacture Inc. | 3 (6,8%) |
Red Star. | 3 (6,8%) |
Amarr Templars | 2 (4,5%) |
Bojo's School of the Trades | 2 (4,5%) |
Hellstorm Inc | 2 (4,5%) |
Ill Omens | 2 (4,5%) |
Minja Scouts | 2 (4,5%) |
Ordus Trismegistus | 2 (4,5%) |
SyNergy Gaming | 2 (4,5%) |
3dge of D4rkness | 1 (2,3%) |
A.N.O.N.Y.M.O.U.S. | 1 (2,3%) |
Atlantis Prime Mercenary Group | 1 (2,3%) |
Crux Special Tasks Group | 1 (2,3%) |
Dead Six Initiative | 1 (2,3%) |
Exclusion Cartel | 1 (2,3%) |
Fenrir's Wolves | 1 (2,3%) |
Headshots Inc. | 1 (2,3%) |
Inf4m0us | 1 (2,3%) |
Mannar Focused Warfare | 1 (2,3%) |
Max-Pain-inc | 1 (2,3%) |
Not Guilty | 1 (2,3%) |
Oculus Felis | 1 (2,3%) |
Opus Arcana | 1 (2,3%) |
Rent-A-Murder Taxi | 1 (2,3%) |
Rise Of Old Dudes | 1 (2,3%) |
Royal Uhlans | 1 (2,3%) |
Seraphim Auxiliaries | 1 (2,3%) |
The Unholy Legion Of DarkStar | 1 (2,3%) |
Tronhadar Free Guard | 1 (2,3%) |
Turalyon Plus | 1 (2,3%) |
Undefined Risk | 1 (2,3%) |
Wraith Shadow Guards | 1 (2,3%) |
Zumari Force Projection | 1 (2,3%) |
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