Statistics for thread
843 BurgezzE.T.F Recruitment
General statistics  
Total posts 1692
First post 2013-04-14 09:21:00
Last post 2015-05-17 22:37:00
Duration 763 days (active period), 4268 days (since first post)
Daily average 2,2 posts/day (active period), 0,4 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 492 723
Longest post 843-BANE (3240 characters, posted 2014-03-07 18:38:00)
Average post length 291,2 chars/post
Unique authors 80
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
843-BANE 279 (16,5%)
John Mocahn 211 (12,5%)
Draxus Prime 176 (10,4%)
Patrick57 170 (10,0%)
843 Epidemic 115 (6,8%)
XxWarlordxX97 87 (5,1%)
Patrick57 82 (4,8%)
General John Ripper 61 (3,6%)
Soulja Ghostface 53 (3,1%)
XxWarlordxX97 43 (2,5%)
XxWarlordxX97 33 (2,0%)
ian thebarbarian 31 (1,8%)
Arkena Wyrnspire 24 (1,4%)
General John Ripper 23 (1,4%)
Benjamin Ciscko 18 (1,1%)
843 Epidemic 17 (1,0%)
Asya Belentine 15 (0,9%)
Immortal John Ripper 15 (0,9%)
Patrlck 56 15 (0,9%)
John Mocahn 14 (0,8%)
The Noob Destroyer 11 (0,7%)
BaByQueenB 9 (0,5%)
XxWarlordxX97 9 (0,5%)
Benjamin Ciscko 7 (0,4%)
Draxus Prime 7 (0,4%)
Jayson Ferreira 7 (0,4%)
Taylor Badasz 7 (0,4%)
General John Ripper 6 (0,4%)
Benjamin Ciscko 5 (0,3%)
843 Epidemic 5 (0,3%)
843 Unorthadox Hunter 5 (0,3%)
Djinn SouI 5 (0,3%)
General John Ripper 5 (0,3%)
General John Ripper 5 (0,3%)
Taylor Badasz 5 (0,3%)
Benjamin Ciscko 4 (0,2%)
General John Ripper 4 (0,2%)
Taylor Badasz 4 (0,2%)
DraC0X 3 (0,2%)
Derrith Erador 3 (0,2%)
Banjo Hero 3 (0,2%)
Blues bomb 3 (0,2%)
843 nerfnut96 3 (0,2%)
XxWarlordxX97 3 (0,2%)
BaByQueenB 2 (0,1%)
DraC0X 2 (0,1%)
jerrmy12 kahoalii 2 (0,1%)
kiarbanor 2 (0,1%)
Knight Soiaire 2 (0,1%)
NAV HIV 2 (0,1%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 577 (34,1%)
Public Disorder. 423 (25,0%)
General Tso's Alliance 406 (24,0%)
Zero-Day 49 (2,9%)
Covert Intervention 33 (2,0%)
Renegade Alliance 33 (2,0%)
League of Infamy 30 (1,8%)
Proficiency V. 28 (1,7%)
Caldari State 22 (1,3%)
Orion Empire 21 (1,2%)
Canis Eliminatus Operatives 16 (0,9%)
EoN. 14 (0,8%)
Top Men. 11 (0,7%)
RISE of LEGION 10 (0,6%)
Minmatar Republic 6 (0,4%)
Gallente Federation 4 (0,2%)
Amarr Empire 2 (0,1%)
Legacy Rising 2 (0,1%)
Anime Empire. 1 (0,1%)
Dark Taboo 1 (0,1%)
Final Resolution. 1 (0,1%)
Rise Of Legion. 1 (0,1%)
Test Friends Please Ignore 1 (0,1%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
BurgezzE.T.F 905 (53,5%)
- 239 (14,1%)
Fatal Absolution 203 (12,0%)
Ancient Exiles. 33 (2,0%)
WarRavens 31 (1,8%)
Pradox One 26 (1,5%)
The Generals 25 (1,5%)
843 Boot Camp 23 (1,4%)
Isuuaya Tactical 17 (1,0%)
Death Firm. 15 (0,9%)
The Corporate Raiders 9 (0,5%)
Onslaught Inc 7 (0,4%)
T.H.I.R.D R.O.C.K 7 (0,4%)
United Kingdoms of New Citz 7 (0,4%)
Unleashed Hybrid's 7 (0,4%)
Ikomari-Onu Enforcement 5 (0,3%)
Molden Heath PoIice Department 5 (0,3%)
teamplayers 5 (0,3%)
The Last of DusT. 5 (0,3%)
Edimmu Warfighters 4 (0,2%)
MoIden Heath PoIice Department 4 (0,2%)
Kameira Lodge 3 (0,2%)
KILL-EM-QUICK 3 (0,2%)
Pradox XVI 3 (0,2%)
Sebiestor Field Sappers 3 (0,2%)
SVER True Blood 3 (0,2%)
GunFall Mobilization 2 (0,1%)
Horizons' Edge 2 (0,1%)
Rise of Old Dudes 2 (0,1%)
S.e.V.e.N. 2 (0,1%)
The Phoenix Federation 2 (0,1%)
Black Phoenix Mercenaries 1 (0,1%)
Burgezz Public Relations 1 (0,1%)
Capital Acquisitions LLC 1 (0,1%)
Circle of Huskarl 1 (0,1%)
Dark Force Katana 1 (0,1%)
Escrow Removal and Acquisition 1 (0,1%)
Fooly Cooly. 1 (0,1%)
Forty-Nine Fedayeen 1 (0,1%)
G0DS AM0NG MEN 1 (0,1%)
Greedy Bastards 1 (0,1%)
Knights Of Ender 1 (0,1%)
Krullefor Organization 1 (0,1%)
Molon Labe. 1 (0,1%)
Murder Cakes Of Doom 1 (0,1%)
OLDSPICE. 1 (0,1%)

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