Statistics for thread Deaths |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 26 |
First post | 2012-12-27 05:44:00 |
Last post | 2012-12-31 19:13:00 |
Duration | 4 days (active period), 4378 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 6,5 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 18 944 |
Longest post | Michael Sebi (2172 characters, posted 2012-12-28 02:08:00) |
Average post length | 728,6 chars/post |
Unique authors | 21 |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Michael Sebi | 5 (19,2%) |
Breakin Stuff | 2 (7,7%) |
Tinodi | 1 (3,8%) |
Thranx1231 | 1 (3,8%) |
Talos Alomar | 1 (3,8%) |
Ranger SnakeBlood | 1 (3,8%) |
Paul Etrades | 1 (3,8%) |
Overlord Ulath | 1 (3,8%) |
OgTheEnigma | 1 (3,8%) |
Octavian Vetiver | 1 (3,8%) |
Nova Knife | 1 (3,8%) |
Naturi Riclenore | 1 (3,8%) |
LuckIsWithMe | 1 (3,8%) |
Logi Bro | 1 (3,8%) |
KEROSIINI-TERO | 1 (3,8%) |
Kaathe | 1 (3,8%) |
Deveshi | 1 (3,8%) |
Crm234 | 1 (3,8%) |
Bojo The Mighty | 1 (3,8%) |
Anyanka Shadowmane | 1 (3,8%) |
Aneatanga Taniwha | 1 (3,8%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 14 (53,8%) |
Minmatar Republic | 3 (11,5%) |
Caldari State | 2 (7,7%) |
CRONOS. | 2 (7,7%) |
Covert Intervention | 1 (3,8%) |
Gallente Federation | 1 (3,8%) |
Legacy Rising | 1 (3,8%) |
Relativity Alliance | 1 (3,8%) |
Test Alliance Please Ignore | 1 (3,8%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Doomheim | 7 (26,9%) |
Immobile Infantry | 2 (7,7%) |
Seraphim Initiative. | 2 (7,7%) |
BetaMax. | 1 (3,8%) |
Bojo's School of the Trades | 1 (3,8%) |
Circle of Huskarl | 1 (3,8%) |
CowTek | 1 (3,8%) |
Dog Nation United | 1 (3,8%) |
Edimmu Warfighters | 1 (3,8%) |
OSG Planetary Operations | 1 (3,8%) |
Osmon Surveillance | 1 (3,8%) |
Sanmatar Kelkoons | 1 (3,8%) |
Seituoda Taskforce Command | 1 (3,8%) |
Subdreddit | 1 (3,8%) |
Tronhadar Free Guard | 1 (3,8%) |
WarRavens | 1 (3,8%) |
Wraith Shadow Guards | 1 (3,8%) |
ZionTCD | 1 (3,8%) |
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