Statistics for thread
Name some players you've ran into that were really, really good
General statistics  
Total posts 82
First post 2016-01-29 17:18:00
Last post 2016-02-02 17:39:00
Duration 4 days (active period), 3245 days (since first post)
Daily average 20,5 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 31 539
Longest post Lightning35 Delta514 (1499 characters, posted 2016-01-29 17:51:00)
Average post length 384,6 chars/post
Unique authors 51
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Radiant Pancake3 7 (8,5%)
Lightning35 Delta514 5 (6,1%)
Devadander 4 (4,9%)
Pierced Daddy 3 (3,7%)
DozersMouse XIII 3 (3,7%)
deadpool lifetone 2 (2,4%)
Forlorn Destrier 2 (2,4%)
Thumb Green 2 (2,4%)
The Noob Destroyer 2 (2,4%)
The KTM Duke 2 (2,4%)
Summa Militum 2 (2,4%)
sizwe sizzle 2 (2,4%)
Drake JOHN3244 2 (2,4%)
Racro 01 Arifistan 1 (1,2%)
postapo wastelander 1 (1,2%)
Yaerus Steel 1 (1,2%)
XxWarlordxX97 1 (1,2%)
Xvos Reigns 1 (1,2%)
Vordred Knight 1 (1,2%)
TranquilBiscuit ofVaLoR 1 (1,2%)
Shamarskii Simon 1 (1,2%)
saxonmish 1 (1,2%)
Richard Gamerich-R 1 (1,2%)
Operative 1174 Uuali 1 (1,2%)
Nirwanda Vaughns 1 (1,2%)
Meee One 1 (1,2%)
Medical Crash 1 (1,2%)
LT SHANKS 1 (1,2%)
EternalRMG 1 (1,2%)
Doc Browner 1 (1,2%)
LHughes Little Boy 1 (1,2%)
Kaltos Darksbane 1 (1,2%)
Jackkkkkkkkkkkkkkky jack 1 (1,2%)
Heimdallr69 1 (1,2%)
Grimmiers 1 (1,2%)
Grease Spillett 1 (1,2%)
golpe 4 1 (1,2%)
Godin Thekiller 1 (1,2%)
General Vahzz 1 (1,2%)
Francois Berwyn 1 (1,2%)
DAAAA BEAST 1 (1,2%)
CrotchGrab 360 1 (1,2%)
Chuckles Brown 1 (1,2%)
Canaan Knute 1 (1,2%)
bane sieg 1 (1,2%)
AT aka YoungDrew 1 (1,2%)
Arkena Wyrnspire 1 (1,2%)
Ahkhomi Cypher 1 (1,2%)
Adipem Nothi 1 (1,2%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 59 (72,0%)
Shadow of Dust 11 (13,4%)
The-Office 4 (4,9%)
Bleeding Sun Conglomerate 3 (3,7%)
I Whip My Slaves Back and Forth 3 (3,7%)
General Tso's Alliance 1 (1,2%)
Negative-Feedback 1 (1,2%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 9 (11,0%)
Celestial Phoenixes 7 (8,5%)
Th3.Immortals 7 (8,5%)
Federation Marines 62 5 (6,1%)
Woodgrain Atari 5 (6,1%)
Fatal Absolution 4 (4,9%)
0ther.Haven 3 (3,7%)
Eternal Beings 3 (3,7%)
Second-Nature 3 (3,7%)
Corrosive Synergy 2 (2,4%)
Dead Man's Game 2 (2,4%)
Elephant Riders 2 (2,4%)
Incorruptibles 2 (2,4%)
loyal assassins 2 (2,4%)
Negative-Feedback. 2 (2,4%)
PIanet Express 2 (2,4%)
Random Gunz 2 (2,4%)
The Naughty Ninjas 2 (2,4%)
Affectionate Moon Warmth Gentle Earth 1 (1,2%)
Allaho Akbar. 1 (1,2%)
Amakakeru-Ryu-no-Hirameki 1 (1,2%)
just relaxing 1 (1,2%)
Nos Nothi 1 (1,2%)
Opus Arcana 1 (1,2%)
OSG Planetary Operations 1 (1,2%)
Prima Gallicus 1 (1,2%)
S.K.I.L.L OF G.O.D 1 (1,2%)
Simple Minded People Pty. Ltd. 1 (1,2%)
Subsonic Synthesis 1 (1,2%)
Systematic Engineers Unlimited 1 (1,2%)
T.H.I.R.D R.O.C.K 1 (1,2%)
TasteTheTamsen 1 (1,2%)
The Hundred Acre Hood 1 (1,2%)
True Companion Planetary Requisitions 1 (1,2%)
Wolf Pack Special Forces 1 (1,2%)
You In The Nutz 1 (1,2%)

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