Statistics for thread
Oh my gawd, oh my gawd, oh my gawd
General statistics  
Total posts 372
First post 2014-12-13 06:55:00
Last post 2014-12-20 00:12:00
Duration 7 days (active period), 3662 days (since first post)
Daily average 53,1 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 112 376
Longest post sir RAVEN WING (1405 characters, posted 2014-12-13 08:47:00)
Average post length 302,1 chars/post
Unique authors 94
90-day posting graph
Top 50 posters in thread Posts (% of total)
sir RAVEN WING 66 (17,7%)
Ghosts Chance 43 (11,6%)
RemingtonBeaver 29 (7,8%)
Robocop Junior 13 (3,5%)
Vordred Knight 12 (3,2%)
huanbobo 11 (3,0%)
Thumb Green 11 (3,0%)
abdullah muzaffar 9 (2,4%)
hfderrtgvcd 7 (1,9%)
Shutter Fly 7 (1,9%)
Sir Dukey 7 (1,9%)
jNs Vit4l 6 (1,6%)
G Felix 5 (1,3%)
LUGMOS 5 (1,3%)
Henrietta Unknown 5 (1,3%)
Scarr Beloxian 5 (1,3%)
LT SHANKS 4 (1,1%)
Dreis Shadowweaver 4 (1,1%)
Cat Merc 4 (1,1%)
Fizzer XCIV 4 (1,1%)
Sequal Rise 4 (1,1%)
Tweaksz 4 (1,1%)
Wurm FOOD 4 (1,1%)
Daddrobit 3 (0,8%)
Apocalyptic Destroyerr 3 (0,8%)
NE0N TIM3T1GER 3 (0,8%)
NIGGSWORM 3 (0,8%)
Ripley Riley 3 (0,8%)
Union118 3 (0,8%)
WARxion ForDUST 3 (0,8%)
axis alpha 2 (0,5%)
Arkena Wyrnspire 2 (0,5%)
Bremen van Equis 2 (0,5%)
Draxus Prime 2 (0,5%)
CCP Frame 2 (0,5%)
CrotchGrab 360 2 (0,5%)
Leadfoot10 2 (0,5%)
Immortal John Ripper 2 (0,5%)
LT Shanx 2 (0,5%)
Maken Tosch 2 (0,5%)
TechMechMeds 2 (0,5%)
Tesfa Alem 2 (0,5%)
TooMany Names AlreadyTaken 2 (0,5%)
TRULY ELITE 2 (0,5%)
Union118 2 (0,5%)
xCrale 2 (0,5%)
Zindorak 2 (0,5%)
Mad Kras 1 (0,3%)
Lazer Fo Cused 1 (0,3%)
Juno Tristan 1 (0,3%)
Top 25 alliance posters in thread Posts (% of total)
- 250 (67,2%)
General Tso's Alliance 73 (19,6%)
Amarr Empire 10 (2,7%)
Caldari State 9 (2,4%)
RISE of LEGION 8 (2,2%)
Negative-Feedback 4 (1,1%)
Ivy League 3 (0,8%)
Top Men. 3 (0,8%)
C C P Alliance 2 (0,5%)
EoN. 2 (0,5%)
Gallente Federation 2 (0,5%)
Minmatar Republic 2 (0,5%)
RUST415 2 (0,5%)
E-R-A 1 (0,3%)
Proficiency V. 1 (0,3%)
Top 25 corporation posters in thread Posts (% of total)
Kaalmayoti Warzone Control 66 (17,7%)
Inf4m0us 43 (11,6%)
Molon Labe. 41 (11,0%)
- 17 (4,6%)
T.H.I.R.D R.O.C.K 16 (4,3%)
G0DS AM0NG MEN 14 (3,8%)
research lab 14 (3,8%)
Ostrakon Agency 12 (3,2%)
Titans of Phoenix 12 (3,2%)
Raymond James Corp 11 (3,0%)
Murphys-Law 10 (2,7%)
Fatal Absolution 8 (2,2%)
Random Gunz 6 (1,6%)
Kirjuun Heiian 5 (1,3%)
RED 0MEN. 5 (1,3%)
Amarr Templars 4 (1,1%)
Heaven's Lost Property 4 (1,1%)
Les Desanusseurs 4 (1,1%)
Shining Flame 4 (1,1%)
Abandoned Privilege 3 (0,8%)
DUST University 3 (0,8%)
Incorruptibles 3 (0,8%)
Osmon Surveillance 3 (0,8%)
Storm Wind Strikeforce 3 (0,8%)
You Can Call Me Daddy 3 (0,8%)
Bragian Order 2 (0,5%)
BurgezzE.T.F 2 (0,5%)
C C P 2 (0,5%)
Circle of Huskarl 2 (0,5%)
Dead Man's Game 2 (0,5%)
Death by Disassociation 2 (0,5%)
Going for the gold 2 (0,5%)
KILL-EM-QUICK 2 (0,5%)
Red Star. 2 (0,5%)
Yon Hyaku Nijuu Moyase 2 (0,5%)
Ahrendee Mercenaries 1 (0,3%)
Ancient Exiles. 1 (0,3%)
Auraxis Special Forces 1 (0,3%)
Bacon with a bottle of Quafe 1 (0,3%)
BIG BAD W0LVES 1 (0,3%)
D3ATH CARD 1 (0,3%)
Death Firm. 1 (0,3%)
Elite Intergalactic Mercenaries 1 (0,3%)
Endless Hatred 1 (0,3%)
Eternal Beings 1 (0,3%)
FaZe Gamings 1 (0,3%)
Grundstein Automation 1 (0,3%)

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