Statistics for thread Your most creative dust name: |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 79 |
First post | 2014-12-06 12:34:00 |
Last post | 2014-12-09 22:36:00 |
Duration | 3 days (active period), 3710 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 26,3 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 11 806 |
Longest post | BL4CKST4R (711 characters, posted 2014-12-07 13:49:00) |
Average post length | 149,4 chars/post |
Unique authors | 65 |
90-day posting graph |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 31 (39,2%) |
General Tso's Alliance | 8 (10,1%) |
Proficiency V. | 6 (7,6%) |
C C P Alliance | 4 (5,1%) |
Minmatar Republic | 4 (5,1%) |
Amarr Empire | 3 (3,8%) |
Caldari State | 3 (3,8%) |
Gallente Federation | 3 (3,8%) |
Northern Associates. | 3 (3,8%) |
RISE of LEGION | 3 (3,8%) |
Capital Punishment. | 2 (2,5%) |
Dark Taboo | 2 (2,5%) |
RUST415 | 2 (2,5%) |
Covert Intervention | 1 (1,3%) |
E-R-A | 1 (1,3%) |
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive | 1 (1,3%) |
Learning Alliance | 1 (1,3%) |
Special Planetary Emergency Response Group | 1 (1,3%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Horizons' Edge | 6 (7,6%) |
C C P | 4 (5,1%) |
- | 3 (3,8%) |
Dead Man's Game | 3 (3,8%) |
Going for the gold | 3 (3,8%) |
Random Gunz | 3 (3,8%) |
Tactical Logistics and Cargo | 3 (3,8%) |
Ancient Textiles. | 2 (2,5%) |
G0DS AM0NG MEN | 2 (2,5%) |
La Muerte Eterna | 2 (2,5%) |
Molon Labe. | 2 (2,5%) |
Primordial Threat | 2 (2,5%) |
Titans of Phoenix | 2 (2,5%) |
Biomass Positive | 1 (1,3%) |
Bragian Order | 1 (1,3%) |
Brutor Vanguard | 1 (1,3%) |
Carebear Freedom Time | 1 (1,3%) |
Consolidated Dust | 1 (1,3%) |
Crux Special Tasks Group | 1 (1,3%) |
Damaged Beyond Repair | 1 (1,3%) |
Death Firm. | 1 (1,3%) |
Delta Vanguard 6 | 1 (1,3%) |
Fatal Absolution | 1 (1,3%) |
Forty-Nine Fedayeen | 1 (1,3%) |
Ghosts of Dawn | 1 (1,3%) |
Goonfeet | 1 (1,3%) |
Grundstein Automation | 1 (1,3%) |
Hidden Suppression | 1 (1,3%) |
Holdfast Syndicate | 1 (1,3%) |
Immortal Guides | 1 (1,3%) |
Isuuaya Tactical | 1 (1,3%) |
Kang Lo Directorate | 1 (1,3%) |
Kinsho Swords | 1 (1,3%) |
Krusual Covert Operators | 1 (1,3%) |
Land of the BIind | 1 (1,3%) |
LEGIT CONQUERS | 1 (1,3%) |
Made in Poland... | 1 (1,3%) |
Mcalpines Fusiliers | 1 (1,3%) |
Murphys-Law | 1 (1,3%) |
Neckbeard Absolution | 1 (1,3%) |
Nyain Chan | 1 (1,3%) |
Paladin Survey Force | 1 (1,3%) |
Psygod9 | 1 (1,3%) |
research lab | 1 (1,3%) |
S.A.L.U.K.I. | 1 (1,3%) |
Sanmatar Kelkoons | 1 (1,3%) |
Sinq Laison Gendarmes | 1 (1,3%) |
Storm Wind Strikeforce | 1 (1,3%) |
T.H.I.R.D R.O.C.K | 1 (1,3%) |
The Phone Book | 1 (1,3%) |
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