Statistics for thread DUST>DESTINY |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 49 |
First post | 2014-09-10 19:14:00 |
Last post | 2014-09-11 09:44:00 |
Duration | 1 days (active period), 3797 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 49,0 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 37 423 |
Longest post | HYENAKILLER X (2000 characters, posted 2014-09-11 06:04:00) |
Average post length | 763,7 chars/post |
Unique authors | 28 |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Bright Steel | 6 (12,2%) |
BARDAS | 4 (8,2%) |
One Eyed King | 3 (6,1%) |
Iron Wolf Saber | 3 (6,1%) |
Bahirae Serugiusu | 2 (4,1%) |
HYENAKILLER X | 2 (4,1%) |
DozersMouse XIII | 2 (4,1%) |
Izlare Lenix | 2 (4,1%) |
Aria Gomes | 2 (4,1%) |
Death Shadow117 | 2 (4,1%) |
Jace Kaisar | 2 (4,1%) |
knight guard fury | 2 (4,1%) |
Taurion Bruni | 2 (4,1%) |
Thor Odinson42 | 1 (2,0%) |
Maiden selena MORTIMOR | 1 (2,0%) |
Leadfoot10 | 1 (2,0%) |
soulreaper73 | 1 (2,0%) |
Ripley Riley | 1 (2,0%) |
Pvt Numnutz | 1 (2,0%) |
Outie 500 | 1 (2,0%) |
Kaze Eyrou | 1 (2,0%) |
J4yne C0bb | 1 (2,0%) |
Cenex Langly | 1 (2,0%) |
Dj grammer | 1 (2,0%) |
dent 308 | 1 (2,0%) |
BMSTUBBY | 1 (2,0%) |
Arkena Wyrnspire | 1 (2,0%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 21 (42,9%) |
General Tso's Alliance | 7 (14,3%) |
Proficiency V. | 6 (12,2%) |
Amarr Empire | 5 (10,2%) |
Covert Intervention | 2 (4,1%) |
Dark Taboo | 2 (4,1%) |
Iron Oxide. | 2 (4,1%) |
D.E.F.I.A.N.C.E | 1 (2,0%) |
Minmatar Republic | 1 (2,0%) |
RISE of LEGION | 1 (2,0%) |
Test Alliance Please Ignore | 1 (2,0%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Horizons' Edge | 6 (12,2%) |
Molon Labe. | 4 (8,2%) |
Shining Flame | 4 (8,2%) |
Den of Swords | 3 (6,1%) |
Land of the BIind | 3 (6,1%) |
- | 2 (4,1%) |
Carbon 7 | 2 (4,1%) |
D3ATH CARD | 2 (4,1%) |
Murphys-Law | 2 (4,1%) |
Opus Arcana | 2 (4,1%) |
The New Age Outlaws | 2 (4,1%) |
Vendetta Reactionary Force | 2 (4,1%) |
Vengeance Unbound | 2 (4,1%) |
WILL FIGHT ANYONE | 2 (4,1%) |
Amarr Templars | 1 (2,0%) |
Brutor Vanguard | 1 (2,0%) |
D.A.R.K L.E.G.I.O.N | 1 (2,0%) |
Dude.Man.Bro | 1 (2,0%) |
Fatal Absolution | 1 (2,0%) |
Incorruptibles | 1 (2,0%) |
KILL-EM-QUICK | 1 (2,0%) |
New Age Empire. | 1 (2,0%) |
PFB Pink Fluffy Bunnies | 1 (2,0%) |
Prophets of the Velocirapture | 1 (2,0%) |
Subdreddit | 1 (2,0%) |
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