Statistics for thread Lets start a FIRE. |
General statistics | |
Total posts | 49 |
First post | 2013-10-10 21:40:00 |
Last post | 2013-10-12 22:14:00 |
Duration | 2 days (active period), 4153 days (since first post) |
Daily average | 24,5 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post) |
Typed characters | 61 839 |
Longest post | SgtDoughnut (5090 characters, posted 2013-10-11 22:41:00) |
Average post length | 1 262,0 chars/post |
Unique authors | 32 |
90-day posting graph |
Top 50 posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Michael Epic | 7 (14,3%) |
Ninjanomyx | 5 (10,2%) |
Kane Fyea | 4 (8,2%) |
CharCharOdell | 3 (6,1%) |
KING CHECKMATE | 2 (4,1%) |
Nocturnal Soul | 2 (4,1%) |
ZDub 303 | 1 (2,0%) |
Yelhsa Jin-Mao | 1 (2,0%) |
Varjac Theobroma Montenegro | 1 (2,0%) |
ThePrinceOfNigeria | 1 (2,0%) |
TheAmazing FlyingPig | 1 (2,0%) |
Spkr4theDead | 1 (2,0%) |
Shion Typhon | 1 (2,0%) |
SgtDoughnut | 1 (2,0%) |
RED FARM | 1 (2,0%) |
Michael Arck | 1 (2,0%) |
LT SHANKS | 1 (2,0%) |
Buttercup Chipmint | 1 (2,0%) |
Borne Velvalor | 1 (2,0%) |
Aria Gomes | 1 (2,0%) |
Archbot | 1 (2,0%) |
8213 | 1 (2,0%) |
itsmellslikefish | 1 (2,0%) |
HYENAKILLER X | 1 (2,0%) |
Godin Thekiller | 1 (2,0%) |
Ghosts Chance | 1 (2,0%) |
First Prophet | 1 (2,0%) |
Fire of Prometheus | 1 (2,0%) |
CYRAX SERVIUS | 1 (2,0%) |
crazy space 1 | 1 (2,0%) |
Coleman Gray | 1 (2,0%) |
Top 25 alliance posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
- | 20 (40,8%) |
EoN. | 8 (16,3%) |
Amarr Empire | 5 (10,2%) |
Ivy League | 5 (10,2%) |
Caldari State | 2 (4,1%) |
DARKSTAR ARMY | 2 (4,1%) |
Gallente Federation | 2 (4,1%) |
Covert Intervention | 1 (2,0%) |
League of Infamy | 1 (2,0%) |
RISE of LEGION | 1 (2,0%) |
Top Men. | 1 (2,0%) |
Villore Accords | 1 (2,0%) |
Top 25 corporation posters in thread | Posts (% of total) |
Universal Militia Contractings | 7 (14,3%) |
TeamPlayers | 6 (12,2%) |
DUST University | 5 (10,2%) |
Shining Flame | 3 (6,1%) |
Amarr Templars | 2 (4,1%) |
Immortal Retribution | 2 (4,1%) |
Unkn0wn Killers | 2 (4,1%) |
Anubis Prime Syndicate | 1 (2,0%) |
Crux Special Tasks Group | 1 (2,0%) |
DIOS EX. | 1 (2,0%) |
DUST CORE | 1 (2,0%) |
Gespenster Kompanie | 1 (2,0%) |
Grade No.2 | 1 (2,0%) |
GunFall Mobilization | 1 (2,0%) |
Hellstorm Inc | 1 (2,0%) |
Inf4m0us | 1 (2,0%) |
Intara Direct Action | 1 (2,0%) |
M.T.A.C Assault Operations Command | 1 (2,0%) |
Red Star Jr. | 1 (2,0%) |
Red Star. | 1 (2,0%) |
The Generals BC | 1 (2,0%) |
The Unholy Legion Of DarkStar | 1 (2,0%) |
Valor Coalition | 1 (2,0%) |
Villore Sec Ops | 1 (2,0%) |
W a r F o r g e d | 1 (2,0%) |
Zumari Force Projection | 1 (2,0%) |
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