User statistics for
Krad Gunnerson
General statistics  
Total posts 30 (view posts)
Ranked #5722
Likes 19
First post 2013-01-10 15:45:00 (in thread "Skinweave" Heavy Dropsuit and "exile" AR missing)
Last post 2014-03-28 14:53:00 (in thread Amarr Sentinel or Commando?)
Duration 442 days (active period), 4364 days (since first post)
Daily average 0,1 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 12 983
Longest post Scrub scout with a question for the scout veteran overlords... (1828 characters, posted 2014-03-28 14:51:00)
Average post length 432,8 chars/post
Threads started 3
First thread I'm a glutten for punishment. Can a sniper/(Insert Rifle) commando work? (Likes: 0)
Last thread Simple solution to brick cloaking scouts and balances cloaking. (Likes: 0)
Largest thread Simple solution to brick cloaking scouts and balances cloaking. (19 posts in thread)
90-day posting graph
90-day likes graph
Forum post breakdown  
General Discussions 86,67% (26 posts)
Rookie Training Grounds 6,67% (2 posts)
Technical Support/Bugs 3,33% (1 posts)
Announcement and Events 3,33% (1 posts)

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