User statistics for
Hawkin P
General statistics  
Total posts 445 (view posts)
Ranked #1265
Likes 734
First post 2013-03-28 14:35:00 (in thread Will all ARs looked different at some point?)
Last post 2016-06-14 18:30:00 (in thread Damn CCP left the Mics and Lights on in Here?)
Duration 1174 days (active period), 4383 days (since first post)
Daily average 0,4 posts/day (active period), 0,1 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 262 082
Longest post New things in 1.2 that weren't mentioned. Good and Bad. (2303 characters, posted 2013-07-02 16:12:00)
Average post length 588,9 chars/post
Threads started 71
First thread Clairifcation: Officer Weapons, and what will be refunded with ISK (Likes: 0)
Last thread Damn CCP left the Mics and Lights on in Here? (Likes: 0)
Largest thread LOI vs EON CeaseFire Status Question. (153 posts in thread)
90-day posting graph
90-day likes graph
Forum post breakdown  
The War Room 50,11% (223 posts)
General Discussions 39,78% (177 posts)
Feedback/Requests 4,94% (22 posts)
Announcement and Events 3,15% (14 posts)
Technical Support/Bugs 1,35% (6 posts)
Corporation Recruitment 1,12% (5 posts)
The Council's Chamber 0,45% (2 posts)

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