User statistics for
DOlphiN BU
General statistics  
Total posts 3 (view posts)
Ranked #15842
Likes 2
First post 2013-01-29 10:15:00 (in thread Magneton Induction Gun)
Last post 2013-02-12 08:01:00 (in thread At the time of purchase, the suit started the fight and all the sets, the costum...)
Duration 14 days (active period), 4427 days (since first post)
Daily average 0,2 posts/day (active period), 0,0 posts/day (since first post)
Typed characters 1 946
Longest post At the time of purchase, the suit started the fight and all the sets, the costum... (1061 characters, posted 2013-02-12 08:01:00)
Average post length 648,7 chars/post
Threads started 2
First thread when will be removed from sale Mercenary Pack ? or he will forever (Likes: 0)
Last thread At the time of purchase, the suit started the fight and all the sets, the costum... (Likes: 0)
Largest thread At the time of purchase, the suit started the fight and all the sets, the costum... (2 posts in thread)
90-day posting graph
90-day likes graph
Forum post breakdown  
General Discussions 66,67% (2 posts)
Technical Support/Bugs 33,33% (1 posts)

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