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581. \\ Uprising Expansion // Fan Made Patch Notes. - in General Discussions [original thread]
Imagine if all this happened...... no one would be on tje forums for a few hours..... then an explosion of " this is OP" threads would come along.
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.17 23:37:00
582. Game types? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Instead of guns nova knives grenades and vehicles everyone just hugs eachother. Each hug is 50WP 60 if you have the circle of love. The team that reaches 80 hugs first wins.
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.17 23:21:00
583. Holy Crap batman, Hatemail galore! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Yah me too sota I wish we could play against you guys every match. It would make us all better, instead we play 10 matches 8 of them involve ruining the other less skilled/tactical team. I do hope they fix the match making and allow us veteran pla...
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.17 23:09:00
584. GM Hercules - in General Discussions [original thread]
GM Hercules is their a way I can wine to you about no one liking my threads?
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.17 23:01:00
585. Holy Crap batman, Hatemail galore! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Thanks sota! Btw I couldnt believe I got you on the pipeline while you were trying to get maples tank that was a good match.
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.17 22:46:00
586. Holy Crap batman, Hatemail galore! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Well sota I have to say that what venom did was wrong but it was HIS choice. I had no feelings either way since I dont really care what a fake space man has to say about racism. Should you get hate mail? No prob not. Should venom be banned? Yes pr...
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.17 22:30:00
587. How many HMG users are fat IRL? - in General Discussions [original thread]
Lol ^ and no keyser I am a dedicated heavy who sometimes uses an AR assault build to remind myself how broken they are.
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.17 20:41:00
588. How many HMG users are fat IRL? - in General Discussions [original thread]
I like to think that assault users are skinny nerds with glasses.... with a pile of empty monster cans random german **** on the tv and lame techno blasting in the background. .... sitting in a dark room in their u Panties screaming as I shoot the...
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.17 20:34:00
589. *THAT'S RACIST* - in General Discussions [original thread]
This is what goes on over their at the imperfect impswarm hate circle? Jeez no wonder everyone thinks you guys are a bunch of COD fanboys. Join Unreal home of the anti imperfect movement. Home of the best selling novel " Hey im Mr Zitro everything...
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.17 05:29:00
590. Game is Unbalanced - in General Discussions [original thread]
I will give you an instant win build. 1.create new character, use arbiter build. aurum 3. put the remaining skill points into assault DS, AR operation, light weapon sharpshooter, weaponry, CPU upgrade. 4. use aurum to buy Neo assault a ser...
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.17 03:22:00
591. Dumb question - in General Discussions [original thread]
New eden always needs logi bro's.... hit me up if you need help fitting or need a SP logi spread sheet.
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.17 01:42:00
592. To wait or not to wait! - in General Discussions [original thread]
Seeing as how I have spent the last 4 builds in a b series or proto heavy I would say do it. The extra low slot combined with a high cpu skill will allow you to run shield regs and or 2 5hp armor reps. Im close to my proto and I love my B series g...
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.16 21:23:00
593. Good Fight - in General Discussions [original thread]
Showing them who is boss good job guys.
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.16 21:18:00
594. Question about skills - in General Discussions [original thread]
Lol remote repair systems is not broken at all.
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.16 04:32:00
595. Eve : "Fly Safe" - Dust :"??" - in General Discussions [original thread]
Dust 514 " Thank you. Die again"
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.16 03:44:00
596. Logi/Heavy channel - in General Discussions [original thread]
Yes!!!!! Alright lets make it happen. Corp battle forum posts make a roster of the best heavies assaults and best 2 tanks. Agree?
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.16 02:23:00
597. Logi/Heavy channel - in General Discussions [original thread]
I say we have 16 heavies vs 14 assaults and 2 tanks..... lets make it happen.
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.16 02:12:00
598. Logi/Heavy channel - in General Discussions [original thread]
Screw this noise I want a 4 heavy squad I call captian awesome 2 ton and sota lets squad up and beat dust.
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.16 02:01:00
599. Hi, my name is MassiveNine... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Be patient free beers the day will come when we face roll you all over the place. And as I stated above I HAVE been face stomping you guys all week.
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.16 01:30:00
600. Hi, my name is MassiveNine... - in General Discussions [original thread]
Hello massive nine. My name is undead and I am addicted to face stomping imperfects. You will know who they are eventually.
- by undeadsoldier90 - at 2013.02.16 00:40:00
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