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61. -+-ö-Å-Å-ç G¥¢ -+-öGäôGäô - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.09.19 16:22:00
62. -+-ö-Å-Å-ç G¥¢ -+-öGäôGäô - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
HEY, WHAT'S UP? GûêGûäGûêGûêGûäGûê GûêGûäGûêGûäGûêGûäGûêGûäGûêGûÉGûêGö+GûêGûêGûîGûêGûäGûêGûäGûêGûäGûêGûäGûê GûêGûêGûêGö+GûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûÉGûêGûêGûêGûêGûîGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGö+GûêGûêGûê GûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûêGûÉGûêGûêGûêGûêGûîGûêGûêGûêG...
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.09.19 16:21:00
63. are some suits shorter than others? - in Rookie Training Grounds [original thread]
I think the hit boxes are generally the same and any height differentiation may merely be cosmetic, if anything.
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.09.19 15:28:00
64. short dust 514 comic - in My DUST 514 [original thread]
*Be in perfect position to catch red line snipers; die due to stuck in suicide on mountain* Lke if U cry ery tme.
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.09.18 16:32:00
65. Taking on apprentices. - in Rookie Training Grounds [original thread]
I support this.
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.09.18 14:57:00
66. Want Power? Want The Ability to Do Something? Want to do PC? - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
I'm throwing my ISK at the screen but nothing is happening!
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.09.07 21:16:00
67. Family of Blood "We'll hang together or we may surely hang ... - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
We're still recruiting members here at FAOB. Feel free to message me on Dust if you have any concerns about joining GûêGûêGûê GûêGûêGûê GûêGûê Gûê GûêGûê GûêGûêGûê GûêGûêGûêGûê GûêGûêGûêGûê GûêGûêGûê GûêGûê Gûê GûêGûê GûêGûêGûê GûêGûêGûêGûê Gû...
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.08.25 16:52:00
68. Family of Blood "We'll hang together or we may surely hang ... - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
We're still recruiting members here at FAOB. Don't hesitate to try and join nor should you hesitate to ask any questions, I'm willing to answer anything that I can. GûêGûêGûê GûêGûêGûê GûêGûê Gûê GûêGûê GûêGûêGûê GûêGûêGûêGûê GûêGûêGûêGûê GûêG...
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.08.23 15:07:00
69. Family of Blood "We'll hang together or we may surely hang ... - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
We're still recruiting members here at FAOB. Don't hesitate to try and join nor should you hesitate to ask any questions, I'm willing to answer anything that I can. GûêGûêGûê GûêGûêGûê GûêGûê Gûê GûêGûê GûêGûêGûê GûêGûêGûêGûê GûêGûêGûêGûê GûêG...
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.08.20 16:19:00
70. Family of Blood "We'll hang together or we may surely hang ... - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
Killar-12 wrote: Maur'ce Brutar wrote: Killar-12 wrote: NAV HIV wrote: Good LUCK :) This^ If you want help I can provide, I'm not on much any more, but I've done literally everything, Recruiting, Diplo, PC, Training, getting folks ...
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.08.19 18:11:00
71. Family of Blood "We'll hang together or we may surely hang ... - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
Killar-12 wrote: NAV HIV wrote: Good LUCK :) This^ If you want help I can provide, I'm not on much any more, but I've done literally everything, Recruiting, Diplo, PC, Training, getting folks elected to the CPM, getting a community spotl...
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.08.19 17:22:00
72. Family of Blood "We'll hang together or we may surely hang ... - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
NAV HIV wrote: Good LUCK :) Much appreciated. :)
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.08.19 17:16:00
73. Family of Blood "We'll hang together or we may surely hang ... - in Corporation Recruitment [original thread]
Welcome If youGÇÖre reading this, you must either be interested in joining a new corporation or simply looking at what people have to offer; if itGÇÖs neither of this, shame on me for assuming wrong. But either way, welcome to the Family of B...
- by Maur'ce Brutar - at 2014.08.19 16:51:00
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