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21. So..Half-Life 3.. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Well we know its in development.Anyone think it will be at e3 2013 since nextgen consoles will surely be revealed than, CES 2013,or somewhere inbetween.When HL3 is revealed the internet is gonna explode.Cant wait to get to my childhood.It better n...
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2013.01.07 01:16:00
22. Happy New Year - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Happy New year!May prosperity and good fortunes come to all.And try not to get the bad end of deal.Good Luck,Good Hunting, and God Speed.
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2013.01.02 00:19:00
23. The Most Hated Youtuber that ever existed. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
IntelligentCODFanboy and his other accounts IntelligentBFFanboy and IntelligentTF2Fanboy.(He has arguments with himself too)
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.30 00:12:00
24. 2012 sucked. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
no games lived up to there promises and expectations Except maybe AC3.Closest would be Starhawk..Starhawk was meant to be short and had brilliant multplayer but hardly anyone go it.Far cry 3 had a great story and gameplay but it was way too short ...
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.29 01:41:00
25. Most underrated Small corp - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Well i know for a fact mine isnt.But thats a hard choice considering the fact that all of them are pretty well known.
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.27 08:55:00
26. Who will win the next generation? - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Theses are my predictions.NOT TRYING TO START A FLAME WAR! These are educated predictions.This will show how each one handles the following: Exclusives,Hardware/Power,Online support, and Sells(Specifically how each will sell) Here it is Xbox 720:...
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.24 09:14:00
27. Salad Fingers - in The Locker Room [original thread]
The most disturbing crap on youtube heres a example episode(Watch it all the way through ):
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.22 18:26:00
28. Stupiest Fit ever? - in The Locker Room [original thread]
DarkShadowFox wrote: Nova Knives and a Heavy Suit. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.21 21:36:00
29. What MAG had that planetside 2 and Dust 514 dont. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Noraa Anderson wrote: I've had and still continue to have my fair share of experience with M.A.G. and I fully understand what you mean by the differences here. Certainly I believe Dust can rival that experience but it's going to take a bit more...
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.21 16:22:00
30. The most obsurd HL3 rumor yet. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
I wa looking around the internet and there are actuallly rumors going around that HL3 will be exclusive to Steambox(/pc). That is the most illogical thing i have ever heard.If it was steambox exclusive the amount of heat generated from the rage wi...
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.19 22:31:00
31. The Lion King - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Vermaak Kuvakei wrote: The stuff I found about the rugrats, it changed me man! the Rugrats.I almost forgot them its been so long......
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.18 05:35:00
32. The Lion King - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Vermaak Kuvakei wrote:
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.18 05:30:00
33. The Lion King - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Ah i can feel my childhood as if it were yesterday.The Lion King was my childhood.The Lion King 2 was OK .It could have been better. 1/2 was a pretty good spin-off.Lord knows if there will be a 4th then ill be first in line.
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.18 05:18:00
34. The Most Ridiculous thing you have ever heard/seen. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Necrodermis wrote: EA spending over 300 million dollars on knights of the old republic. nothing has come close to that level of ridiculousness
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.16 21:10:00
35. The Most Ridiculous thing you have ever heard/seen. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Or expierenced forgot that in the title. Me?When Gaming Bolt said that xbox 720 was 3 times more powerful than PS4.LOL Actually the most ridiculous thing that ever happened to me when i was young i was running across a road,went to fast, and i sli...
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.16 02:04:00
36. PewDiePie - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Criken2>Robbaz>Seamus>everyone else
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.15 20:57:00
37. Sign up if you haven't already ( to the owners of halo 4) - in The Locker Room [original thread]
IK0 Golden Blade wrote: GM Vegas wrote: You might want to consider posting that on a HALO related Forum ;) Asking PS3 exclusive game players to play an XBOX exclusive game... Definitely not the best audience for that! ;) Lol vegas Yep.I...
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.14 00:32:00
38. Prepare yourselfs..... - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Before i tell you this just hear me out.Its about e3 2013. Im i the ONLY guy in the world that realizes that every game thats officially coming 2013 is before June?Not only that but e3 2013 said they will have "Whats Next Now" in gaming. Heres wha...
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.13 23:40:00
39. What MAG had that planetside 2 and Dust 514 dont. - in The Locker Room [original thread]
After playing all 3 MAG still is as addicting as ever.MAG had a very strong "Line in the sand" feel which PS2 and Dust lack.Of course Dust is in beta and it doesnt matter as of now.But thats no excuse.In PS2 my faction(NC) took a continent in a ma...
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.11 22:14:00
40. Dark Souls 2 Trailer - in The Locker Room [original thread]
Looks Epic
- by CLONE 2774 - at 2012.12.09 02:08:00
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