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21. ERA has a mission. Own Oddelulf. Please read. - in The War Room [original thread]
Roman837 wrote: We are looking to trade off our other districts in MH minus Kadlina and move into Oddelulf. We are doing this for many reasons. Some of those main reasons are - Consolidation- Having all our districts on the same planet will le...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.29 16:10:00
22. SVER'St Training goes a little like this... - in The War Room [original thread]
Roman837 wrote: All it organize a PC vs ALL an email. "Hey Judas, we would like to fight just your corp in a PC, we will not flip your district but we are going to win the first match. If their is excess clones we will no s...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.26 20:29:00
23. Is this where I make a QQ thread about TLOD bringing in 15 OH Ringer... - in The War Room [original thread]
This threads anime recommendation: Kannagi - A slice of life, romance, supernatural show based on a god turning from omnipotent being to a more human one from lack of belief. She's revived into mortal form by a young boy and seeks to rejuvenate h...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.26 19:30:00
24. Dear SoTa PoP - in The War Room [original thread]
I do SUCK wrote: AToS SaGa III wrote: I do SUCK wrote: AToS SaGa III wrote: I do SUCK wrote: Song for u anime anime guys Yo, man. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. If you goin ...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.24 03:59:00
25. Dear SoTa PoP - in The War Room [original thread]
I do SUCK wrote: AToS SaGa III wrote: I do SUCK wrote: Song for u anime anime guys Yo, man. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. If you goin ta pretend ta be tough n' shiznit like a thu...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.24 03:53:00
26. I cant believe what im seeing - in The War Room [original thread]
superjoe360x wrote: Poems, anime, n' thugged-out conversations. What has happened ta you muthafuckas. Before long yo' glocks will start blastin rainbows n' ludd will pour from yo' nanohives. Oh well off I git all up in PC now, rainbow glock up...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.24 03:10:00
27. Dear SoTa PoP - in The War Room [original thread]
I do SUCK wrote: Song for u anime anime guys Yo, man. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. If you goin ta pretend ta be tough n' shiznit like a thug then you should dig suttin' other then pun...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.24 02:39:00
28. I cant believe what im seeing - in The War Room [original thread]
Nobinishi wrote: AToS SaGa III wrote: Nobinishi wrote: Heimdallr69 wrote: No one cares what you do as long as you name off anime's you like. Can manga count? Yes And Visual Novels. So I shall...highjack thread in progress...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.24 01:26:00
29. TLOD DISTRICTS UP FOR GRABS!! EASY WINS - in The War Room [original thread]
CUSE TOWN333 wrote: Derrith Erador wrote: Viktor Hadah Jr wrote: My face the entire time i am reading this thread.... Is it because I told you of the legendary awesome ham whose insanity is close if not greater than Ghostt's (come on...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.23 20:37:00
30. TLOD DISTRICTS UP FOR GRABS!! EASY WINS - in The War Room [original thread]
God Hates Lags wrote: Atiim wrote: Ghostt Shadoww wrote: Man pppplllllleeeeaaaasssseeeee FA, Permission to speak? You have to ask for permission to say something? How old are you? 5? You could learn something from his discretion. ...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.23 20:36:00
31. TLOD DISTRICTS UP FOR GRABS!! EASY WINS - in The War Room [original thread]
vlad stoich wrote: Atiim wrote: Ghostt Shadoww wrote: Man pppplllllleeeeaaaasssseeeee FA, Permission to speak? You have to ask for permission to say something? How old are you? 5? LOL Have you not seen how many times he has been thre...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.23 19:39:00
32. TLOD DISTRICTS UP FOR GRABS!! EASY WINS - in The War Room [original thread]
Lunatic Kota wrote: AToS SaGa III wrote: Lunatic Kota wrote: Sota, go ask your mommy and daddy to give you some money. Go to your local hardware store and buy some rope. Tie it around a very large branch (because you're probably overweigh...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.23 19:06:00
33. TLOD DISTRICTS UP FOR GRABS!! EASY WINS - in The War Room [original thread]
I do SUCK wrote: AToS SaGa III wrote: Lunatic Kota wrote: Sota, go ask your mommy and daddy to give you some money. Go to your local hardware store and buy some rope. Tie it around a very large branch (because you're probably overweight.)...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.23 18:12:00
34. I cant believe what im seeing - in The War Room [original thread]
Ghostt Shadoww wrote: Some one said name Anime toons u like Anyone ever heard of Jojo bars way off on the spelling but it sounds like that..George Lucas liked it so much he let them remake it in there studio at industrial ligjt...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.23 18:09:00
35. TLOD DISTRICTS UP FOR GRABS!! EASY WINS - in The War Room [original thread]
Lunatic Kota wrote: Sota, go ask your mommy and daddy to give you some money. Go to your local hardware store and buy some rope. Tie it around a very large branch (because you're probably overweight.) then proceed to ******* hanging yourself yo...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.23 18:06:00
36. TLOD DISTRICTS UP FOR GRABS!! EASY WINS - in The War Room [original thread]
Like I said: AToS SaGa III wrote: But, I guess not everyone is upset about being called a collared tool.
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.23 16:44:00
37. TLOD DISTRICTS UP FOR GRABS!! EASY WINS - in The War Room [original thread]
Ghostt Shadoww wrote: AToS SaGa III wrote: Ghostt Shadoww wrote: Its nothing bad i swear :-) I feel bad for you. Working for someone who calls you a tool and disrespects you behind your back. But, I guess not everyone is upset about bei...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.23 16:38:00
38. TLOD DISTRICTS UP FOR GRABS!! EASY WINS - in The War Room [original thread]
Ghostt Shadoww wrote: Its nothing bad i swear :-) I feel bad for you. Working for someone who calls you a tool and disrespects you behind your back. But, I guess not everyone is upset about being called a collared tool.
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.23 16:30:00
39. TLOD DISTRICTS UP FOR GRABS!! EASY WINS - in The War Room [original thread]
dwater wrote: AToS SaGa III wrote: dwater wrote: AToS SaGa III wrote: lol, proof that people who slightly understand the game can easily lie to people who don't. Time for some education people! When making a district swap - did you...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.23 16:11:00
40. TLOD DISTRICTS UP FOR GRABS!! EASY WINS - in The War Room [original thread]
dwater wrote: AToS SaGa III wrote: lol, proof that people who slightly understand the game can easily lie to people who don't. Time for some education people! When making a district swap - did you know the refresh of the star map takes 3...
- by AToS SaGa III - at 2014.06.23 15:43:00
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